• Struwwelerror

    Light effects for a horror movie

  • Struwwelerror

    Light effects for a horror movie


Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Project span

07.2018 – 08.2018


Horror, Satire, Thriller


Director: Lenny Heller
Producer: Lukas Ritter
Camera / imaging: Jan Fabi
Montage: Anne Matthes


‘Struwwelerror’ criticizes parents who save their kids from biting dogs and hot hearts, but do not recognize the danger coming through the internet.

Die drei Geschwister Luca, Maxine und Theo werden alleine zuhause gelassen, weil ihre Eltern in den Urlaub fahren. Dummerweise fällt gleichzeitig das Internet aus.
Statt Youtube, Instagram und Onlinepornos müssen sich die Kinder plötzlich anders beschäftigen. Und sagen wir es mal so: Es wird blutig, wild und böse…

Physical light effects

Almost the whole plot happens during a thunderstorm. Thus, natural flashes were required. I created a tool to play animations from e.g. After Effects on real lights from a tablet.

1. Lightnings at the push of a button on Skypanels, LED stripes (via Artnet – DMX)
2. Further animations on wireless lamps without cable for data or power using wireless microcontroller boards (via OSC)
3. Running light through a chain of lights which is popular with teenage girls. Hacking such a chain of lights in order to control lights one by one. (WS2812)


Light engineering, programming

using Unity, After Effects

Light effects for Struwwelerror